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​Our Shared Beliefs

As believers in Christ, we stand on the word of God and are grounded in the absolute biblical truths that guide us.  Our goal is to apply biblical principles towards managing money and finances into every client relationship.


Fig Tree Wealth Management abides by these five main principles, and strives to serve clients with the highest level of service, accountability and integrity:

God comes first

At the core of our beliefs, is Jesus’ instructions in Matthew 22:37-38 to first love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul and mind. We stand by the biblical principles that help guide our final decisions, obeying His word and being good stewards of the resources he has entrusted us with.

Sky Full of Light

He Owns It All

We believe in putting God first in all that we do financially to bring glory to His name and to fulfill the will He has planned for us. This belief is rooted in scripture where no matter what we do as christians, including the use of our financial resources, we should do it for the glory of God  --  “So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Corinthians 10:31)

Business Meeting

Christian-based Financial Advice

We commit to providing investment advice that is consistent with christian values helping clients align their investments with God’s word.

Bible Lessons

Investing Consistent with Biblical Principles

We strive to construct investment portfolios grounded in the principles of biblically responsible investing (“BRI”).  BRI is an approach that seeks to minimize exposures to companies, mutual funds and other investments that are engaged in, support or profit from activities that go against the christian faith including abortion, pornography, alternative lifestyles, religious persecution, and tobacco.

Hands Holding Wooden Plate

Love Your Neighbor

God loves a cheerful giver and we believe in giving our time and resources to those in need to exemplify what it means to love our neighbor.  Through our pledge to donate a portion of our profits to those in need around the world, we hope to be an inspiration to our clients so they can also share in the joy of giving.

Request a meeting with us today


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